Welcome to Pesona Bali Eco Lodge

A Classic Retreat Amidst Nature's Tranquility

Discover the Timeless Elegance of Our Villas in Wongaya Gede, Penebel, Tabanan.

Pesona Bali Eco Lodge
Pesona Bali Eco Lodge

About Us

Embrace the Essence of Pesona Bali Eco Lodge

PESONA BALI ECOLODGE is a very exotic inn because it is surrounded by mountains, rice fields and forests so that it has a beautiful and soothing natural panorama.

Pesona Bali

Take A Look Our Luxury Rooms

Step into a realm of refined tranquility with our meticulously designed rooms at Pesona Bali. Each space is a sanctuary of classic Balinese elegance, where modern comforts blend seamlessly with traditional charm. Explore our room offerings and find your perfect haven for a memorable stay.

Pesona Bali

Quality Services & Food Your Trip Are Enjoyable

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Room Cleaning and Guide

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Quality Foods & kitchen

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Swimming Pool

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Explore the Enchanting Surroundings of Wongaya Gede, Penebel, Tabanan.

Pesona Bali

Nature's Symphony in Wongaya Gede

Welcome to Wongaya Gede, where nature unfolds its majestic beauty in a symphony of sights that captivate the soul. At Pesona Bali, we are privileged to be nestled in the embrace of this enchanting village, where the allure of Mount Batukaru and the serene charm of lush rice fields create a canvas of natural wonder.

Pesona Bali Eco Lodge

Map and Directions to Pesona Bali

Our Location

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Capturing the Beauty of Pesona Bali

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